Sunday, July 28, 2013

Our Little Farmhouse

Our 1200 square feet farmhouse
Finding the right house to call home can be difficult.  My husband likes outdoor space and wildlife. I like to be close to town and a house with charm.  Finding this combination and staying on budget is challenging!

How did we made this work?  We purchased a small house that needed tons of work on 30 acres.

Our adventure has been worth it!

The house was not livable when we purchased it. Therefore, we had to figure out where to live while we remodeled.  Short term rentals (6 months or less) are not readily available in our area.  We thought we found a place only to find out several other people wanted it as well, and two other people had already submitted their applications.  We didn't have a chance.

We went to plan "B".  Plan "B" was purchasing a RV and living in it.  That is exactly what we did. My husband, our two pre-teen children, an indoor cat, and I all lived in a 29' RV for 4 months while we completed this project.

The adventure started at that moment.

Our home for 4 months
I am going to share before, during, and after pictures of this process over the next few posts.

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